Thursday, October 31, 2019

Contingency plan for sailing yachts charter Essay - 2

Contingency plan for sailing yachts charter - Essay Example It includes fire prevention, fire fighting practices, and pirating activities as they might impact business operations or the well-being of ship and crew. Because this represents a luxury market, kidnapping and resource plundering as the result of pirating activities, which are on the rise, must be recognized. Fire represents the largest assessed risk for the business’ disaster management programme. In the event of disaster situations, the vessel and its associated dispatch and control teams will establish an incident control system modelled after that in use by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The ICS structure â€Å"establishes common terminology that allows diverse incident management and support entities to work together across a wide variety of incident management functions and hazard scenarios† (, 2004, p.16). ICS modelling for incident control provides an organizational framework by which to handle different real-time disaster situations. Dispatch efforts will include making appropriate contact with local coast guard authorities if the situation cannot be controlled effectively by the officer in charge as well as the Fire Brigade. ______________________ The existence of rogue waves and other atmospheric phenomenon is a genuine risk to operating the business and pose potential risks to the health and safety on crew and customers. There are no appropriate mitigation risks in the event of these scenarios, however wave measurement technology includes fully-functional measurement systems to identify risk (, 2009). It is the responsibility of the information technology support team to ensure these technologies are implemented on board and functioning properly for ongoing risk mitigation. This is controlled at the operational and organizational levels and will be run through diagnostic systems checks periodically as mandated by technology needs. In the event of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay Example for Free

Gay Marriage Essay Gay marriages are a worldwide issue of should it be allowed or not in today’s societies and has been a topic for many years. Gay marriage is a marriage between two people of same sex or gender. There are states and countries that are against just as well as for same sex marriage. It has been a problem about whether same sex couples should be able to marry since 1971. It was later considered it was not legal for same sex marriage and tradition for marriage in the United States has been designed as legal commitment between a man and a woman. However, homosexual relationships are increasingly gaining the interest of acceptance in our country. Vermont was the first state to introduce civil unions in July of 2002, and the first state to legalize same sex marriage without being required to do so by court(Goodnough, A. 2009). Some states have considered a form of commitment called civil union; this is a form of relationship that is somewhat like a marriage ( Guide, 2012). Civil unions are legal contracts between partners that are recognized by a state or government as conferring all or some of the rights conferred by marriage, but without the implicit historical and religious meaning associated with the word â€Å"marriage†( Guide, 2012). They are not benefited any of the federal benefits of marriage such as social security. This is still a problem for some religious people in the world today who believe God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Many politicians have said they are against gay marriage but they leave it up to the states to decide whether or not to support it. Several states have granted limited marriage benefits to gays but call them domestic partnerships. Society talks about how everyone should be treated fairly, because of rights and justice, but do not want to include homosexuals. Well it would be unethical to not allow part of society the right to love someone just  because that person that they love may be of the same sex. Homosexuals are human beings and they do have rights that should not be denied of them because some people think of them as different. Homosexuals love and need love just like others and this is a need. Love is need and a right for all human beings. Rather you are receiving it from a brother, an aunt, or just a neighbor, we as humans desire this only a daily basis. When we deny this by not allowing same sex couples to marry just because the person is of the same sex, this is considered unethical. Deontological ethics argue rights and duties. This would make same sex marriage wrong. Deontology says God does not like homosexuality and that it is not a right, claiming because the bible says this. In this argument, everyone does not believe in the bible and the bible is interpreted in so many, many ways. So this really makes for no real argument. People who are against homosexuality will be for this argument. The arguments against gay marriage are starting to be very weak. One argument is of marriage itself. One may argue that marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is a union between two people who love each other and God. This truly makes it hard to believe that it should be legal.Where another may say marriage is between two people who love each other for better or worse. Christians look and see that same sex marriage is against God’s will. A common Christian is to follow the word of God. Some Christians believe that the biblical rules are ancient and these desi res should not be amended. Christian followers said that God commanded that his followers do not engage in homosexual relations. Christians strongly believe that if God say that something is wrong, then it is wrong. Christians should also read on to see that we are all gods’ children and he accepts us for who we are. I thought God created us all as equal. Then there are the people who do not believe in God and they may say that the bible is being interpreted wrong and people believe what they want to believe. They would say who are we to tell someone who they love or marry. Taking away homosexuals right to marry is against the rules. Another argument would be that gays cannot bear children. True, they cannot, but they can contribute to society by allowing children to be raised in a two parent home and children will have a better chance a life. This helps out a lot of children who are orphans or foster kids. Women who cannot  bare children are allowed to adopt and raise children, so why are homosexuals any different. The utilitarianism will say that there is a solution for this. If we can have a marriage between black and white races, why cannot we have a marriage between same sexes? If a marriage is supposed to be between two people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their life together, then what is the problem? In the mind of a Utilitarian no one in the society can see or foretell who shall have a relationship. If same sex marriage or relationships are so wrong give a good reason besides that it is not the norm of religion. Utilitarianism will ask, â€Å"How will same sex marriages hurt anyone†? I do not believe that same sex marriages will harm any adult but what about the children. Since same sex couples are allowed to adopt, there will be other children out there asking questions and wondering why they have two moms or two dads. If everyone is created equal, should this include the gays and lesbians? Telling them that they do not have the right to marry is taking away their human rights. Now is taking away someone humans right wrong? Defense of Marriage Act prohibits federal recognition of same sex marriage and allows states to refuse to recognize such marriages performed in other states. The only states in the U.S. that perform marriages between same sex couples are Connecticut, District of Columbia, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. In 2001, the Netherlands became the first country to open the civil marriage to same sex couples. Same sex couples are fighting for the right of their human rights and to be treated fairly slowly it is coming around for them. Ethical egoism contrast that homosexuals getting a chance at love by marriage is a privilege, just like it is for anyone else. This is not wrong, it is right. Humans have a right to choose the person they want to spend the rest of their life with, even if this person is of the same sex. When the constitution was made, it not state exceptions for certain rights to certain people, it is to all of society. People choose to be homosexual because they feel as if they were born to be this way and why should anyone try to change that? Homosexual may ask, â€Å"Who are we hurting†? Homosexuals have a right to fight for what is right for them and what they believe should be equally  given to them as humans. If they feel that it is right for them to love a person of the same sex, then let them. They may feel that they are the best fit parents for children these days, because they both can support these children and give them a happy life. At the same time, do not deny them what is rig htfully theirs. Ethical egoism is a homosexual own thought as how same sex marriage is not wrong but right because it does not harm anyone and it is one’s right. Same sex marriage is an ongoing issue because of many reasons. People if today’s society is beginning to realize that it is better to get to know homosexuals and understand them. They are no different from all of us. Homosexuals live and breathe air just like any normal human-being. They should not be told that they cannot marry because the person that they want to marry is not who we think they should be marrying. Homosexuality is a part of the norms these days. If society denies homosexuals the right to get married, then they are defining them of their rights. This issue does not hurt any one person at all. Love is what marriage is all about, whether it is a same sex couple or the opposite sex that is trying to get married. I understand that some people and Christians see this as a sin, but judging is a sin also and who are we to judge. People should not judge a book by its cover, and who saying that my grandma uses, meaning it may look bad on the outside, but when you open it and read it you get a different story. Homosexuals are great to society and should be given the right to marry no matter what. It all boils down to; God is the only one who can really punish them if it is truly wrong to marry the same sex. Maybe legalizing same sex marriage will affect the world or maybe not. Now this seems really ridiculous to me, but you never know. I do see this as an issue with multiplying though. Parents of the same sexuality cannot have children. There are some good argument and some bad arguments when it comes to the issue of legalizing same sex marriages. There will come a day that the world will come up with a decision that will make everyone happy or maybe not. References Mosser, K (2010).Introduction to ethics and social responsibility, San Diego, Bridgepoint Education es www.ashfordlibrary Hansen, V. Ethical Argument for legalizing gay marriage, (2012) Head, T. Marriage and Rights, (2012)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Role Of ICT In Research Information Technology Essay

Role Of ICT In Research Information Technology Essay Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies in teaching, learning and research has come a long way and so is the use of various web2.0 tools . The researchers need to change with changing times and need to understand todays fast changing knowledge base and its peculiarities. The article is written with an objective of finding out how is the academic researcher changed, helped, or hindered, by the use of ICTs in general and web2.0 tools in specific. ICT tools are mainly used by researchers for its ability to ease knowledge-gathering process and to enhance resource-development. Researcher in general value creativity and originality , thus the ICT tools which provide with the most open situations with great autonomy to the researcher can really help in identifying and solving research problems in the most creative ways. Some of web2.0 tools used for research related tasks are dealt in detail here to give a clear guidance to the researcher . The use of ICT is based on the indi viduals logical assessment of how various applications increase his/her effectiveness and efficiency in work and provide ease in communication with peers. Use of ICT tools for making research data and information available are plenty in numbers today , but the best use of ICT tools would be to improve cognitive skills and thus help discriminate , analyse and create information rather than simply accumulate ( Boyer Commission , 1996). As usually research process deals with large amount of complex information and requires a lot of skills to analyse and organize these well, any ICT tool which helps the researcher give meaning and precision along with adding value to the information generated would be rated above the ones which help in just gathering information. Generally, ICT tools help researcher in the following research related tasks identify appropriate information sources critically analyse information research effectively manage information use information to extend and communicate knowledge across subject fields search up to ten databases and electronic resources simultaneously receive results in a common format link to individual databases for more specialised searching select favourite resources and e-journals, save searches and records, and setup email alerts. The possibilities of conducting research with Internet and its virtual components by individuals and organizations are innumerable. While going thru the research papers among others, several authors have mentioned that ICTs support: instantaneous information exchange despite geographical distances , costless accumulation of data and documents, improvements in the precision of knowledge reproduction, innovative and more effective routines to design new products and conduct problem solving activities both at individual and organizational level. Now, lets look at the main steps that are usually taken to conduct a research. The first two steps in any research activity are 1. Identifying your own world view and situate your research for evaluation. 2. Problem Identification by Literature review and design of research questions Research starts with an idea that researcher has , and now to conduct a research , that idea needs to be converted into a proper research question . ICT has to come in first stage while the researcher needs to discuss the ideas with others to get better user involvement . Now lets consider some ways in which ICT tools can be used to find Research Topics and create bookmarks for later references. Search Engines A feature of the Web that enhances learning and research is the use of search engines. A search on the Web can be very effective in providing a context for an unknown quote or theory , in a timely manner. The use of search engines can save precious time in research. Research indicates that about 85% of Internet users use basic search engines and search services like google to find specific information. However, it is also found that users are not satisfied with the performance of the current generation of search engines for not giving focused results by way of providing articles and notes from personal blogs etc. along with quality research articles . so o rdinary search engines are helpful for researching business and popular culture, but theyre not very useful for finding academic research papers or scholarly journal articles. Journal articles are available in a variety of formats, ranging from citations or brief abstracts to full text delivered electronically or in hard copy. Some articles are provided free. Often, a fee is required, or access is restricted in some way. Searching the invisible web resources also can be very useful. The following are some of the useful search engines used for research activities , 1. -lists related searches ,2. : a multi-disciplinary search engine for academically relevant web , 3. Bing Microsofts search engine lists related searches , 4. Google Scholar indexes scholarly research from many journals, books, papers, etc. across many disciplines ,and 5. Yahoo! Search originally a Web directory, it now features a reliable search engine. Metasearch engines allow to query various search engines simultaneously providing a single list of results. These can avoid duplication and provide additional ideas . Some of the very useful and popular metasearch engines are Clusty (Vivisimo) , Dogpile , Ixquick and Subject Directories allow to browse Web pages by category , and are best used when there is a need to find a list of general Web sites pertaining to a topic . These are often compiled by human editors and provide annotated links pointing to reliable Web sites. Apart from the google and Yahoo Directory these are a few others worth consideration are the open directory and . Subject-specific search engines tend to focus solely on a topic and allow to narrow results and ensure that these are relevant . Many subject specific resources can be found listed by various University Library departments in the Library Research Guides. The following tools represent only a sampling Pinakes A Subject Launchpad , Infomine ,Scirus , Hakia, Education World and . Loading Social Bookmarking is tagging a website and saving it for later. Instead of saving them to web browser, we are saving them to the web. Having started out as a way to store browser bookmarks online so that they can be utilized on different computers and shared, social bookmarking has grown to such an extent that it can now be used to search the web instead of relying on traditional search engines. In fact, social bookmarking sites are being used as intelligent search engines. Most social bookmarking sites allow to browse through the items based on most popular, recently added, or belonging to a certain category like technology, politics, blogging, news, sports, etc. Examples of Social Bookmarking sites are , Magnolia, Blinklist, esnips etc. Social News , another feature of web 2.0 is websites like Digg , Reddit and Propeller focus on social bookmarking of news-related items such as politics, sports, technology, etc. Social news sites are different from standard social bookmarking sites by focusing on specific articles and blog posts rather than websites. Because of this, they can be a great source of news, and they also offer the ability to participate in the discussion by leaving comments on popular news items. Evaluating and citing Web sites There are some words of caution while gathering information from web : 1. all types of information are not available on the Web, and especially not for free. 2. unlike traditional published sources, Web documents have not necessarily been evaluated hence the need to assess the quality of the documents is very crucial for a researcher. Information on the Web can originate from many different sources including individuals, organizations, governments, academic institutions and companies. It is therefore important to quickly assess the reliability of the sources found. The major points of check when evaluating a Web site are : Currency , Authority , Purpose and Point of view . 3. Design the study and develop your method(s) In this phase of research there has to be active Participant Involvement. The researchers has to have proper Survey Design , correct Sampling and have to sort out all Statistical issues for conducting Qualitative/Quantitative Research . In the following three ways ICT Tools can be used by researchers for qualitative research As a medium of communication ICT tools provide powerful communication channels mostly text based but increasingly enhanced with moving and still images and sound, thus competing fairly with the traditional medium of interaction. Researchers can log into any of these channels and practices , either for studying the way people use computer mediated communication in cultural context or can utilize these to interact with participants by initiating a discussion. As a network of computers -Internet , the most popular and powerful ICT tool, breaks all boundaries and makes physical distances between people disappear thus providing a platform like online communities, blogs and discussions forums to reach out to people all across the globe for collective and collaborative research with seamless possibilities for the researcher to utilize this space particularly for collecting information. As a context of social construction The web2.0 facilitates the researchers to witness and analyse the structure of conversation by either participating or simply observing , the social structures that emerge. This gives a good insight to the researcher while gathering data and then during analysis , how language builds and structures social reality. Regardless of the use of any of the above said framework that is used , a qualitative research can be conducted by utilizing Internet based other web2.0 tools for research on any social phenomenon at the same time a qualitative research can conducted on any of the web2.0 tools as a specific social phenomenon as well. 4. Collect and collate the data Data collection requires Collaboration . A word of caution to the researcher is to take care of Intellectual property related issues in advance before using Internet and web2.0 tools for data collection and storage . The qualitative research process starts with a Questionnaire / Survey Design . Survey can be created using ICT tools Web, Word Processors (WP), Spreadsheets and now most popular online tools like google-forms and, and can be distributed using email and discussion boards. The data collected using one or many such online tools needs a proper Database structure for storage and retrieval thus tools like relational databases ( SQL Server, ORACLE etc.) ; open sources databases using MySQL and Access, Flatfile database using Spreadsheet, wikis, GIS [Google earth, Google Maps, Flickr, Arcview/explorer]) can be used. Data Analysis is a an area where a lot of works is being done and a huge collection of open source tools are available for researcher e.g. for Relationship mapping techniques like Herring or fish bone mind maps, SWOT Analysis, PMI, Venn etc. software like Inspiration, kidspiration, smart ideas, Cmap, Mindmapper, freemind would be useful and also the opensource Online tools available at, , . An open source statistical software programming language like R is found very useful by researcher. For preparing Graph using Spreadsheet, digitizer , for typical data analysis using Calc or excel, preparing Checklist (any Word Processor , Spreadsheet) and Mashing tools like intel mash up is now very common . ICT in Qualitative Data Analysis The applicability of ICT based analytical tools in qualitative research is debated as it is argued, that the original meaning inherent in the data could be distorted or lost in the process of data analysis. Thus the employment of computer programs in qualitative data analysis is a practice that should be viewed with caution. Analysing qualitative material that is based on speech or texts derived from interviews and conversations must have regard for the context and the integrated whole. Computer based systems to aid with analysis are, often based on the natural scientific view of the world that sees social phenomena as reflections of the higher level ordering of an objective social structure. The ideal data type here is one which is amenable to quantifying and segmentation into discrete categories as this allows for numerical manipulation and analysis. Researchers who make use of these packages must remain alert to the need to preserve the integrity and context of the original materi al and not lose sight of this during the process of coding and subsequent analysis. 5. Reporting and dissemination The final step in the process of any research activity is Writing up Research by Research Reporting Guidelines advised using the wordprocessors. Disseminating Research : To make the research outcomes reach maximum numbers of stake holders proper planning for printing, mailing and/or posting on community forums plus translation is required . Making research results accessible to various audiences through website, Research Portfolio, Newsletter, and other Community reports is now a common practice. Presenting research at Conferences/ Seminars and thus making findings known to users should be planned. Events happening across the globe on the theme of research can be found out easily today through Internet. Bibliography : Web pages, as with journal articles, books, encyclopedias and other material consulted while researching , need to be properly cited in a bibliography, a reference list or a list of works cited. There are a lot of Citation Style Guides online which provide more information on citation. Thus , there are some innovative tools available today that support researchers in the entire research process i.e. researcher can get help to Search intelligently, assess the quality of search results, help in recording, organizing and producing information using online notecards , and also help in formatting the bibliography in MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian whichever style that is required. Bibliographic information of this paper: STÉPHAN VINCENT-LANCRIN , What is Changing in Academic Research? Trends and Futures Scenarios , European Journal of Education, Volume    41 ,   Issue    2 , Pages169   Ã‚   202 © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Aitken, Wendy (2007).    Use of Web in Tertiary Research and Education.    Webology, 4(2), Article 42. Available at: accessed on 15/3/2010 accessed on 29.4.2010 Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0, and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications, San Murugesan (Editor), Information Science Research, Hershey New York, October 2009, ISBN 978-1-60566-384-5 Understanding Web 2.0, San Murugesan, IEEE IT Professional, 2007, Use the Web to Find Research Paper Topics, Wendy Boswell, Guide, accessed on 12/03/2010 Roberts, Kathryn A. Wilson, Richard W. (2002). ICT and the Research Process: Issues Around the Compatibility of Technology with Qualitative Data Analysis [52 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(2), Art. 23, Vaccaro, F. Veloso, S. Brusoni, The Impact of Virtual Technologies on Organizational Knowledge Creation: An Empirical Study, hicss, pp.352, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), 2008 Andreas Hotho,Robert Jà ¤schke,Christoph Schmitz,Gerd Stumme, Information Retrieval in Folksonomies: Search and Ranking, Link , accessed on 20.6.2010

Friday, October 25, 2019

On Korea Essay -- South North Korea Essays

On Korea Throughout most of its history, Korea has existed as one country with a rich culture and history. Then in the 1940's, Korea was controlled by Japan. World War II broke out, and the Allies defeated the Axis powers. The country of Korea was divided into two parts -- the north and the south. The north was occupied by communist Russian forces and the south by American troops. The dividing line was the 38th parallel(see map). In 1950, a civil war began between the two Koreas, further separating them. Both countries have since established totally different ways of life that include government, economics, and lifestyles. As a result of all that has transpired and recent incidents, it would appear to be highly improbable that there will be a united Korea in the near future. The known history of Korea dates back thousands of years before Christ. It was a nation with a common heritage, language, and ethnicity. Due to Japan's role in World War II and the fact that Japan had occupied Korea, the country was divided. Many Koreans had been displaced by Japanese colonization and others by the establishment of the 38th parallel border line. Korea was not an axis power. It is difficult to understand why Korea would have to be divided as was Germany.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At first, Korea was supposed to be unified with a multilateral administration. But the cold war changed the United States' mission to unilateral containment of the spread of Soviet communism. Supported by the Soviets, North Korea attacked South Korea in June of 1950. The South Koreans pushed into North Korea with American aid. But the Soviet Union, helped the North Koreans to push the South Koreans back . "During the bitterly destructive Korean War, the entire peninsula was devastated. Some three million of its population were killed and more than ten million were left homeless and jobless." (History in modern) Stalemate resulted in 1953 in terms of land gain. The 38th parallel remained the dividing line. The Korean War did not resolve anything, allowing problems to continue up to today. After that time Soviet influence in the North diminished with the Chinese taking their place. Throughout the Korean War period, Koreans were trying to adjust to the changes in their lives from Japan's colonization forward. As a result of the 46-year separation, North and South Korea have grown ... ...ral population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When considering the present tense situation, it is important to consider geographical and political data about Korea. The Korean peninsula is about the size of Minnesota. There are about 20 million people in the North and around 40 in the South. The divided country has been in a state of civil war for the past 46 years. The peninsula is surrounded by China, Russia, and Japan. The United States has kept troops in South Korea throughout that time period. . Both countries have received massive support from the super powers. The North is communistic and the South is capitalistic The cold war that has ended in Europe has not ceased in Asia. "Conjure up a present in which more than a million soldiers confront each other across a Mason-Dixon line, armed to the teeth with the latest equipment; the line is so firm that nothing crosses it†¦" (The 2 Koreas, &^$^*%) The latest equipment includes bombers, nuclear weapons, chemical warfare, naval vessels, etc. Given recent divisive situations, the potential for all-out warfare to develop between the two Koreas has increased. Reunification, as in Germany, becomes more difficult with each passing day.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   p

Thursday, October 24, 2019

High School Seniors Essay

Many people believe open lunch should be a privilege extended to seniors who wish to leave the school grounds and adjacent areas during their assigned lunch periods. This privilege is predicated on the belief that students as they enter their final years of high school should be trusted to make mature decisions and act responsibly. Some students wish they could leave only so they could get something to eat other than school food. I understand that not every senior shows the proper maturity and they should be identified and treated accordingly. When it comes to privilages, seniors don’t have many compared to underclassman. Sure, we get a free period as opposed to study hall and a senior skip day, but don’t we deserve more for our twelve years of hard work and effort put into school? Don’t we deserve something that, frankly speaking, makes everyone more aware of our seniority status, something that we can enjoy this year and the other grades can look forward to? That something can be found in probably one of the more controversial topics in high schools, off campus lunches. I understand the school is responsible for us from the time we arrive at school until the time we depart, and being able to have an off campus lunch would mean we are still the school’s responsibility, even though we’re not on campus. However, what if parents were to sign a note stating their child is allowed to leave school during lunch hours and would be their responsibility? If anything was to happen to a student, parents would not have the right to run into school, arms flailing wildly, blaming whomever they can for what happened to their child. But isn’t it time that the school lets us depend on ourselves in making the better decisions, which in this case would be coming back to class in time. We are going to go from being monitored all day long to a college environment where we are the ones to decide what to do. Pupils who fail to meet their responsibility may forfeit the privilege altogether and may be subject to other disciplinary actions. The school should develop rules and regulations that promote compliance with the policy and ensure that only eligible seniors utilize the privilege of open lunch.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Duty of care Essay

1.1+1.2 Sometimes individuals may want to do something which could be a risk to their health and safety. Being a staff member means having a duty of care to that person, it includes doing everything possible to keep them safe, but also having a duty to respect the individuals rights and choice, therefore there is a dilemma. It could be that the individual no longer wishes to use their walking frame, but their care plan states that they need it to move from place to place and as a member of staff, their responsibility is to ensure and encourage the use of the walking frame for the individual. In this scenario a risk assessment could be carried out to ensure that it is managed as safely as possible. The risks would need to be explained that are involved to the individual and make sure they understand. The staff could come to a compromise, to use a stick for a while instead, to see how they managed, then monitor the situation. All this should be documented including any risk assessment carried out. If the individual still insists on walking unaided they should sign to say they are aware of the risks involved. Another scenario could be that an individual refuses to take their medication. Remind them of why they take the medication and it’s benefits and again advise them of the risks involved in not taking their medication. If they still refuse, ensure this is noted on their medication record and reported so others are aware if a problem occurs. If the individual insists on doing something which is unsafe or risky that is their choice it must be respected as it’s their right, but there is a duty of care to uphold and everything must be done to keep them safe for their individual’s rights. Conflicts could arise between staff to staff. One staff member may think that there is an issue. An example of this is that a member of staff may think a child is a slow developer, and may need additional support to help them, such as with their communication skills. Another staff member may think that there is no issue the child is just developing at their own pace and that it is normal. Everybody has individual rights, they have rights against the duty of care therefore children and parents have the right to privacy, but it is the staffs duty of care to safeguard, therefore any concerns that may arise about abuse would override their privacy, as the duty of care is much stronger. This has the dilemma of making parent feel  that the staff has taken the duty of care too far, as the duty of care has been overridden their right to privacy, their right still exists to only knows that need to no. It is important that issues are raised in such way that shows concern for a child, and not criticising a parent/carer. If a discussion needs to take place, it needs to be where the staff and parent are alone to remain confidentiality with a clear focus on the child’s best interests. 2.3 There are many organisations that are in place to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas. Learning support is one of these, having learning support in the setting for children with learning difficulties can be a great help, however if the child does not want to seek the help, the staff can only advise them, not force them, however having them in the setting the child would then know they can seek help from them when needed. Speech and behavioural therapists are another additional support for those with speech impairments and behavioural problems, these can come in the help children communicate and feel a part of the setting, and not feel ‘different’ from others around them. The setting can seek advice from child protection, as if there is a worry about a child, the manager can contact them for advice on what to do and if the concern is a serious matter that needs to be taken care of immediately or not. 3.1+3.2 If a parent/guardian has an issue to raise that involves their child or any aspect within the nursery, they should report this to the manager of their child’s room as soon as the issue occurs. All effort is put it to solve issues that are raised in the setting, complaints can be written or verbal, written complaints are usually replied within three months. There is a framework which the issues will be dealt within. A matter relating to a child may be discussed between the parent and child’s key person or their room manager. If a complaint is remained unsolved, the matter will be raised by the childcare services manager with the appropriate authority and the parent will be kept informed on the progress at each stage of the procedure. If a parent arrives in the setting with a complaint the practitioner should establish if this is something they can deal with personally. If it is, they  can deal with it there and then or make an appointment to see the parent if they are currently otherwise occupied. If it is a matter that needs to be dealt with by a more senior member of staff then the parent can be referred in that direction. When a complaint arises, the setting should find a way to prevent this from occurring again and find solutions to overcome the situation. When dealing with complaints the staff member should always remain polite and see the parents point of view. They should take responsibility for what has occurred by understanding and taking control of the situation. Notes could be taken down for reminders what complaints have been received before and these documentations be kept in a secure place, the complaints that are made from a parent should be kept confidential regarding if it is to do with their child or the setting itself.

Antibiotics and Children essays

Antibiotics and Children essays A very important issue concerning the children of today is the excess prescribing of antibiotics and the dangers that are being created. Everyday, more and more children are being prescribed any easy solution to a very tough problem. There is a constant push from pharmaceutical companies, parents, and massive marketing companies to try the next antibiotic remedy, but as we look towards the future and the diseases that can be created by this quick fix, we should turn to our attention to alternatives remedies. What is so terrible about this situation is that the worst-case scenario of the effects of the mass doses of antibiotics they ingest is an untreatable bacterium that is immune to the treatments we are aware of. That may not sound so bad until you think about the number of children around the world that could die from this bacterium. It would most definitely be a catastrophic event if a portion of the earths population at that early of an age were to be erased. It would be a human-induced bubonic plague of the twenty- first century and it is really not that far from becoming a reality. In a study done in 1992, there were over sixty million different oral antibiotic prescriptions were giving to people under the age of fifteen years old (Napoli). The extensiveness of antibiotic options coupled with their widespread use in pediatric patients highlight the importance of pharmacists having a thorough familiarity with pediatric antibiotic therapy. Also, problems may arise in treating children under the age of two because of their immature immune system, lack of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for pediatric use of many antibiotics and limited data supporting therapy courses of less than ten days (Napoli). Also, an added complication of the treatment of the patient is the willingness, ability to follow the regimen, and the understanding of the importance of completing the therapy. Before filling the presc...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Compare Apocalypse Now to Conrads novella Heart of Darkn essays

Compare Apocalypse Now to Conrads novella Heart of Darkn essays The film Apocalypse Now, directed by Francis Coppola, is loosely based upon Joseph Conrads novella Heart of Darkness in which both works share similar themes and motifs. Both are accounts of Mans journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. Symbols such as the river and the boat preside in both as do the key personas of Kurtz and Willard/ Marlow. Francis Coppola skillfully developed the visually beautiful, ground-breaking "Apocalypse Now with the surrealistic and symbolic sequences detailing the confusion, violence, fear, and nightmarish madness of the Vietnam War. The deterioration of the culturally accustomed man in exposure to foreign cultures and savagery play key roles in the way of portraying the human psyche. All America contributed to the making of Colonel Kurtz, just as all Europe produced Mr. Kurtz. What is reflected by the Kurtzs is the threat of loss of self, loss of centrality and the displacement of Western culture from the perceived supreme center of history. The evil side of both Kurtzes was brought out by the fear of new cultures different from their own, and their inability to deal with this fear. This is indicated by the disconnection between the opening words of Kurtzs report By the simple exercise of our will, we can exert a power for good practically unbounded and the closing sentence Exterminate all the brutes. This fear of other cultures is emphasized by the condescending attitude of the Imperialist way. Coppola makes a point to show this with the shocked expression on Captain Willards eyes when whilst on a navy boat armed to the teeth, one of his crew is killed by a spear thrown by a native in the bush. The Americans bombing a Vietnam village just to gain access to a surf beach further develops the ideas o ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

S.C. Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

S.C. Johnson - Essay Example In 1914, just 28 years after its, owner Samuel C. Johnson opened its first subsidiary in Great Britain and became what is now known as a multi-national corporation. Currently, SC Johnson operates subsidiaries in over 70 countries internationally. Although the SC Johnson has been a multi-national corporation since 1914, over the past 10 years the global economy has been expanding at an unprecedented rate. Large economies such as those of the United States and Great Britain are transitioning from a predominately manufacturing or production based economy to a technology and service-based economy. Historically, the number of people employed in the manufacturing industry has been steadily dropping in developed nations and rising in less developed nations such as Mexico in favor of lower labor costs. Although this mass exodus of manufacturing in the U.S. to Mexico has been a relatively recent phenomenon, SC Johnson opened its facilities in Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico in 1954. Lower labor costs, as well as, relatively lower operating costs are the main comparative advantages for operating in Mexico. Mexico also has a comparative advantage over other host countries due to its proximity to the United States and the adoption North American Free Trade Agreement. The North American Free Trade Agreement has effectively eliminated tariffs and barriers on trade between the countries of Mexico, Canada and the United States. Tariffs that were not immediately eliminated are scheduled to phase out over the course of the next 5 to 15 years (NAFTA 2006). Faced with the possibility of increased pollution due to often less stringent environmental regulations in many developing nations, environmental concerns regarding NAFTA were addressed in 1993. As a result, the North American Agreement on Environmental SC Johnson 3 Cooperation was developed. Even with the NAAEC pact, free trade is still not without fault. In the ever-increasing global economy further environmental protection issues must continue to be addressed. While free trade does not necessarily promote pollution, it does place environmental strains on local communities. As manufacturing communities grow at an explosive rate, waste water and water treatment plants are over burdened not only from the dramatic increase in residential growth, but by the negative environmental by-products of the manufacturing plants. Additional agreements must continue to be drafted and implemented to help curb pollution attributed to expanding multi-national corporations. Especially so in less developed nations where environmental policies may be lacking. Environmental issues have been of great concern to SC Johnson since 1935 when H.F. Johnson traveled to Brazil to explore less devastating ways to harvest wax from the Carnauba Palm. In 1955, the corporation introduced water based aerosol sprays and in 1975 eliminated the use of chlorofluorocarbons ("Protecting the Environment," 2005). Dedicated to corporate social responsibility, SC Johnson currently has tools and guidelines for the reduction of green house gas emissions. Beginning with its largest production plants, the corporation has reduced its green house gas emissions by 30 percent worldwide ("Sustaining Values," 2005). SC Johnson is not only dedicated to environmental issues

Friday, October 18, 2019

A short story based on the Missing In Action film trilogy Essay

A short story based on the Missing In Action film trilogy - Essay Example Every crumbling building reminded him of America’s shameful capitulation. The freeway was patched and torn, and distinctive Vietnamese army trucks rattled towards the Gook headquarters in Pioneer Square. Raucous cries from the sleeping quarters disturbed his thoughts and he turned to see what was causing the fuss. One of the ragged band was throwing punches at the Colonel and the rest were laughing and jeering, Braddock stood there, impassive, while the little guy danced around him spitting and shouting all the while. It was just the usual pointless play fighting. You would think they had had enough of that in ‘Nam. He looked pitiful in his torn combat fatigues. Nester sighed and turned his back on the prisoners. He was all there was between them and a Vietnamese execution squad but they still didn’t get it. At this rate the Gooks would kill them all. Braddock was watching quietly in that spooky way of his. Nester couldn’t understand why he didn’t act like a leader. Most of the time the men did whatever they liked, and he just let them do it. Nester carried on his way past the untidy collection of small white crosses. They reminded him of the cemetery back home where his father lay. He could hardly be further away from his Mississippi childhood than he was now. Winter was approaching fast and he was not looking forward to the cold winds from the sea and the Northern snows. All ideas of glory and victory seemed like a hopeless fantasy. His job was to survive and use his wits to keep the others alive, even if they hated him for it. In the distance the thud, thud of a chopper could be heard. Someone shouted out â€Å"Sounds like an American!† and everyone looked at Braddock. He inclined his head to the right and everyone scrambled towards the makeshift parade ground. The guards started shouting in that high-pitched squawk that passed for a language and gestured to Nester. They expected him to


BIOLOGY GENETICS PROBLEMS AND ANTIBIOTICS - Essay Example All combinations are represented and would therefore occur. After pollination a plant with rough stems and yellow flowers with pollen from another plant of the same species having rough stems and white flowers, adequate precautions being taken to prevent pollination occurring in any other way, 80 seeds were obtained. The F1 phenotypic ratio is 3:1:3:1, rough yellow, smooth yellow, rough white, smooth white. The genotypic ratio is 1:1:2:2:1:1. All combinations have occurred, but two showed elevated results according to genotypic and phenotypic ratios. In the fruit fly Drosophila the wild type (normal) is grey in colour with wings that extend beyond the tip of abdomen. Among the mutants of Drosophila are two which are respectively distinguished by dark body colour (ebony) and a vestigial condition of the wings (vestigial) In guinea pigs, black coat colour is dominant to brown and short hair is dominant to long hair. These characters are not linked. A breeder has only stocks of pure breeding, long-haired brown and pure breeding, short-haired black guinea pigs. Since the breeder only has stocks of pure breeding long haired brown which would be homozygous recessive (bbss) and pure breeding short haired black which would be homozygous dominant (BBSS), F1 would yield 100% black short haired guinea pigs, with heterozygous genotype BbSs. (a) Self-pollination of one of the F, plants – self pollination of genotype TtGgRr would yield 64 genotypes total, 27 possible genotype combinations, and 8 phenotype combinations. The most notably going to the heterozygous genotype TtGgRr with 8 times. Phenotypes were tall green round, short green round, tall green wrinkled, short green wrinkled. There were no yellow plants. There were 8 possible genotypes yielding only genotypes leading to green and no yellow plants. Normal (wild-type) strains of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster have greyish brown bodies if developed on food media free of silver salts, but

Supply Chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Supply Chain management - Essay Example The company has since been operating as an automotive giant in the industry. On the other hand, General Motors continued expanding its business by acquiring other companies like Chevrolet and new companies, such as Lincoln Continental, Volkswagen, etc., began entering the market and thus began the competition between the automakers (Aherne, 2007). By this time, General Motors began introducing a variety of vehicles, giving it an edge over over Ford. The present automotive market is much more complex than it used to be a century back as the customers have become more educated, increasing the buyer power. The rivalry in the global automotive market is intense, the threat of substitution is high, there are many barriers faced by new companies trying to enter the market, and it’s mostly in favor of the buyers due to the available options, lower cost of switching brands, and the standardization of the commodity associated with the product (Bradley, et al., 2005). In order to get a competitive advantage in the industry, the companies have no choice but to bring down the manufacturing cost, especially since players from Asia have entered the global market (BERA, 2004). This is where the supply chain management comes in. Supply chain management is defined as â€Å"management of material and information flow in a supply chain to provide the highest degree of customer satisfaction at the lowest possible cost† (Business Dictionary, 2013). The companies in the automotive industry are much dependent on external suppliers for their materials before the vehicle can be assembled together (Helper, 1990). One supplier may be supplying to multiple companies at the same time and may have multiple suppliers themselves. It is estimated that that there are a minimum of six stages in the supply chain from supplying the raw material to assembling the final product (Olhager, 2002). It is thus crucial to ensure a smooth flow in the supply chain to ensure efficient manufactu ring. Some of the popular theories in the supply chain management include the following: Just in time (JIT) theory refers to the efforts and strategies applied by the management in order to increase revenue by reducing the cost of manufacturing within the company (Bongiorni, 2004). The theory suggests that improvement in the manufacturing process is continuous. By being in a continuous process of improvement, a company can increase its return on investment as the manufacturing process keeps getting more and more efficient (Alternburg, et al., 2003). The theory advocates that all unwanted inventory present in the company is a hidden cost and not an asset (Bongiorni, 2004). It is thus suggested that the company must get rid of the unwanted inventory and continuously improve its process of manufacturing by adopting methods that require lesser amount of inventory (Slack, et al., 2012). Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is another theory that can be applied to the supply chain and it i mplies that the best way to improve efficiency of the manufacturing process is through planning and control of the inventory system (Wuttipornpun & Yenradee, 2006). The theory focuses on the availability of the materials required to manufacture a product and the availability of the product to the customers. However, the materials and products must not be present in an excessive amount and must be controlled according to the demand. Finally, there must be a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sleeping-Deprivation for College Students Research Paper

Sleeping-Deprivation for College Students - Research Paper Example As per the same study, almost 20 percent of the college students admitted to remaining awake at night, at least once a week (Medical News Today 1). It was also reported that more than 60 percent of the college students do tend to have disturbed awake-sleep cycles, and some of the college students resort to alcohol and substance abuse to combat the fatigue and stress caused by sleep deprivation (Medical News Today 1). Though the average sleep requirement for the young adults stands to be eight hours, it is merely thirty percent of the college students that manage to muster 8 hours of quality sleep at night (Medical News Today 1). When it comes to weeknights, 20 percent of the college students remain awake all night, at least once a month, while almost 35 percent of the college students tend to remain awake till 3:00am in the morning (Medical News Today 1). Surprisingly, it was observed in some studies that Asian and African American students tend to suffer less from poor sleep habits as compared to the Latino and White college students (Medical News Today 1). Considering their young age, many a times, college students tend to underestimate the relevance and importance of sleep in their academic and personal life. Students have been noted to compromise sleep during high stress periods without understanding that by doing so they tend to sabotage their physical and mental health. So, considering the available data, there is no denying the fact that the college students tend to be the most sleep deprived pool in the regular population. Importance of Proper Sleep in a College Student’s Life Sleep deprivation not only impacts a college student’s ability to remain awake in the class, but also has a direct impact on a college student’s academic performance. Sufficient and adequate sleep is vital for a college student who intends to remain alert and awake (American Academy of Sleep Medicine 1).

Humanities-issues in science and societies proposal Essay

Humanities-issues in science and societies proposal - Essay Example Topic One: Wind farms are known to affect birds through collision, displacement, barrier effects and habitat loss (Drewitt and Langston, 2006). There is some debate about how serious the impact on fish might be (Wahlberg and Westerberg, 2005). Human beings complain about certain impact on the beauty of natural landscapes, and there are suggestions that living near wind farms negatively causes an illness called â€Å"Wind Turbine Syndrome† (Pierpoint, 2009). Topic Two: Wind farms are using increasingly larger turbines, and though this may look more cost effective than smaller turbines, there are significant operation and maintenance costs to consider (â€Å"Operation and Maintenance Costs,† n.d.). Conclusion: This paper has shown that wind farms have been represented by proponents of green science and politics as an answer to mankind’s need for energy that does not depend on the burning of fossil fuels or the creation of risky nuclear power stations. The evidence shows that there is indeed a place for wind farms in energy planning. These facilities are, however, not as ecologically friendly as one might think, and the cost of building and managing them makes it unlikely that they will ever contribute more than a small proportion of human energy

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Supply Chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Supply Chain management - Essay Example The company has since been operating as an automotive giant in the industry. On the other hand, General Motors continued expanding its business by acquiring other companies like Chevrolet and new companies, such as Lincoln Continental, Volkswagen, etc., began entering the market and thus began the competition between the automakers (Aherne, 2007). By this time, General Motors began introducing a variety of vehicles, giving it an edge over over Ford. The present automotive market is much more complex than it used to be a century back as the customers have become more educated, increasing the buyer power. The rivalry in the global automotive market is intense, the threat of substitution is high, there are many barriers faced by new companies trying to enter the market, and it’s mostly in favor of the buyers due to the available options, lower cost of switching brands, and the standardization of the commodity associated with the product (Bradley, et al., 2005). In order to get a competitive advantage in the industry, the companies have no choice but to bring down the manufacturing cost, especially since players from Asia have entered the global market (BERA, 2004). This is where the supply chain management comes in. Supply chain management is defined as â€Å"management of material and information flow in a supply chain to provide the highest degree of customer satisfaction at the lowest possible cost† (Business Dictionary, 2013). The companies in the automotive industry are much dependent on external suppliers for their materials before the vehicle can be assembled together (Helper, 1990). One supplier may be supplying to multiple companies at the same time and may have multiple suppliers themselves. It is estimated that that there are a minimum of six stages in the supply chain from supplying the raw material to assembling the final product (Olhager, 2002). It is thus crucial to ensure a smooth flow in the supply chain to ensure efficient manufactu ring. Some of the popular theories in the supply chain management include the following: Just in time (JIT) theory refers to the efforts and strategies applied by the management in order to increase revenue by reducing the cost of manufacturing within the company (Bongiorni, 2004). The theory suggests that improvement in the manufacturing process is continuous. By being in a continuous process of improvement, a company can increase its return on investment as the manufacturing process keeps getting more and more efficient (Alternburg, et al., 2003). The theory advocates that all unwanted inventory present in the company is a hidden cost and not an asset (Bongiorni, 2004). It is thus suggested that the company must get rid of the unwanted inventory and continuously improve its process of manufacturing by adopting methods that require lesser amount of inventory (Slack, et al., 2012). Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is another theory that can be applied to the supply chain and it i mplies that the best way to improve efficiency of the manufacturing process is through planning and control of the inventory system (Wuttipornpun & Yenradee, 2006). The theory focuses on the availability of the materials required to manufacture a product and the availability of the product to the customers. However, the materials and products must not be present in an excessive amount and must be controlled according to the demand. Finally, there must be a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Humanities-issues in science and societies proposal Essay

Humanities-issues in science and societies proposal - Essay Example Topic One: Wind farms are known to affect birds through collision, displacement, barrier effects and habitat loss (Drewitt and Langston, 2006). There is some debate about how serious the impact on fish might be (Wahlberg and Westerberg, 2005). Human beings complain about certain impact on the beauty of natural landscapes, and there are suggestions that living near wind farms negatively causes an illness called â€Å"Wind Turbine Syndrome† (Pierpoint, 2009). Topic Two: Wind farms are using increasingly larger turbines, and though this may look more cost effective than smaller turbines, there are significant operation and maintenance costs to consider (â€Å"Operation and Maintenance Costs,† n.d.). Conclusion: This paper has shown that wind farms have been represented by proponents of green science and politics as an answer to mankind’s need for energy that does not depend on the burning of fossil fuels or the creation of risky nuclear power stations. The evidence shows that there is indeed a place for wind farms in energy planning. These facilities are, however, not as ecologically friendly as one might think, and the cost of building and managing them makes it unlikely that they will ever contribute more than a small proportion of human energy

Existence of God Argumentative Paper Essay Example for Free

Existence of God Argumentative Paper Essay There are many different types of arguments for the existence of God. With each argument there is a conception presented of God. For each argument there are different approaches. I will be focusing on the Cosmological and Teleological Arguments. Teleological Arguments are known to be arguments from divine, arguing from order in the universe to the existence of God (1).With the ordering of the universe, created by an intelligent being, they hold that it is ordered towards a purpose or an end. The Cosmological Argument â€Å"is the argument that the existence of the world or universe is strong evidence for the existence of a God who created it. It is a first caused argument where the existence of the universe, the argument claims, stands in need of explanation, and the only adequate explanation of its existence is that it was created by God† (1). Behind this argument, it holds that though the universe still needs explanation for its existence, the existence of God Himself does not. In the article McCloskey is critical of these arguments for God’s existence supporting his stance by offering the problem of evil as reasoning to not believe. He believes the belief in the existence of God is not a source of strength and security (2). However, if we are to use the Cumulative Case approach we can have successive truths. This case cumulates the Cosmological, Teleological, as well as, the Moral Arguments together. It gives us the conclusion of a personal, moral, intelligent creator of the universe as the best explanation for the universe we experience (3). McCloskey maintains that the Teleological Argument is not satisfactory and that it can be rejected simply by rejecting its premise. The premise holds that there is in fact evidence of purpose and design. McCloskey says though, that there were many things that were considered evidence or proof, prior to evolution, but those very things are now not being considered as so. Thus, in order to be a proof, there has to be given indisputable examples. Given that the Teleological Argument, presenting disputable examples, says McCloskey, there is no proof. There can be no form of argument with evidence of an intellectual design and/or designer. I would have to argue with McCloskey by using the â€Å"fine-tuning argument.† Within the universe is nothing short of precision, not only of natural laws, but the beginning stages and state of the universe. These both are pointers to an intelligent Creator. The universe is finely-tuned maintaining physical constants of nature (5).The strength of gravity should be considered. With the occurrence of the Big Bang. The gravity had to have precision because even with a little more force used on either side, it would not have occurred as the Big Bang, but the Big Crunch. Even with the slightest change in gravity, it could change the world into something completely other than what we know. That which is being offered as evidenced cannot be questioned. If we were to give to evolution as truth, there is still no grounds for believing it is true. It does nothing but in the end support the theist position, and shows that evolution needs teleology. McCloskey’s main objection to theism is the presence of evil in the world, â€Å"No being who was perfect could have created a world in which there was unavoidable suffering or in which his creatures would(and in fact could have been created so as not to) engage in morally evil acts, acts which very often result in injury to innocent persons† (1). With this problem on McCloskey’s mind, he holds it to the theists. He still wonders how the theist does not take this to mind seeing that it goes against the perfection of the divine purpose. There can be no grounds in a belief of a perfect being. Even if all reason was thrown out, he says the theist at best could only present a pool of beings full of â€Å"concern, dismay, and anxiety, rather than comfort and security† (1). There is a logical problem of evil and there is logical inconsistency when there is both the existence of God and of evil. The atheist holds that there is severe contradiction between claiming God is good, yet evil exists. Mackie, an atheist, says the contradiction does not arise immediately; to show it we need some additional premisesthese additional principles are that good is opposed to evil, in such a way that a good thing always eliminates evil as far as it can, and that there are no limits to what an omnipotent thing can do. From these it follows that a good omnipotent thing eliminates evil completely, and then the propositions that a good omnipotent thing exists, and that evil exists, are incompatible(8). There exists two kinds of evil. There is â€Å"human evil,† and â€Å"natural evil† in which atheist claim are both forms of needless suffering. The logical problem of evil claims the â€Å"tension† between simultaneously having evil in the world, while also having a perfect God. This would without a doubt be a logical contradiction according to the atheist. There is also the evidential problem of evil. With this claim, there is not contradiction, but the fact that evil exists, if give grounding evidence for being able to reject that God is all-powerful. It is a weaker version of the former, and claims that it is highly unlikely that an all-perfect God exists. Plantinga responds with trying to defend that it is reasonable to believe in God, even without evidence. His position is kn own as â€Å"Reformed Epistemology†. In order for his view to hold he would have to reject the Evidentialist Credo., which he claims rests on Classical Foundationalism. This led him to his positive view, or â€Å"Reformed Epistemology.† This holds that a belief in God is â€Å"properly basic.†Some object to these claims, saying that evil is logically required for good and is needed for us to see the good. Evil is a means and will cause good. There is given the â€Å"free will† defense that is meant to try and answer the problem of evil. Either this would come about by humans free will resulting in a greater good and that evil is ascribed the humans and not God. However, those who oppose this, bring up the issue of natural evils. Mackie stands his ground that God should have given human beings free will in such a way that we always chose the good. The atheist propose God did not create men to choose between right and wrong, and that God is morally inconsistent. In response, the free will theodicy attempts to defeat the former by claiming the suffering of the innocent is justified because of the existence of free will. We as humans have misused our free will, thus what is known as ‘moral evil.’ Other sufferings from evil come from the natural evils. While McCloskey challenges the free will defense, Plantinga proposes the law of non-contradiction. He argues for there could be logically possible affairs whereby God would be unable of creating a world of both evil and autonomous humans (9). Evans puts it simply, â€Å"It does not seem to be true that a good being always eliminates evil as far as it can. What is true, perhaps, is that good being always eliminates evil as far as it can without the loss of a greater good or the allowance of a worse evil† (1). McCloskey objects to the cosmological argument claiming, â€Å"mere existence of the world constitutes no reason for believing in such a being†(1). There has been great objection to this however because of the fact of contingent objects. God is the â€Å"first cause,† the one who began it all. Because there is not explanation for contingent beings, if God is a necessary being, He is the necessary cause of the existence of creation and we as beings. God has no cause, otherwise He would not be God. It is the very existence of the world that implies the existence of God. The â€Å"laws of nature† imply the existence of a lawgiver, God. This position was held by Aristotle, holding firmly against the possibility of infinite regress. The argument from contingency suggests that it is possible the universe might not have existed, thus needing explanation of why it does in fact exist. In essence, it must have a cause. This leads to the belief in â€Å"necessary being,â⠂¬  meaning a being that needs no explanation. The temporal cosmological argument holds that the beginning of the universe was either caused or uncaused. However, objectors to this say we cannot actually claim whether the universe â€Å"had to exist.† Also, a â€Å"necessary being† comes into question. The refuters say this line of argument does not give enough explanation of why there could not be more than one cause. There is no ground for putting God as the first cause or prime mover. Time and causality as we know it cannot be grounds for explaining the beginnings of the universe. However, those objecting to McCloskey, hold if there were a being like the universe, then he would exist in time, thus he himself came into existence. But, the ultimate cause must not have come into existence. For it to be an ultimate cause, the ultimate Creator must be outside of time. (10).What McCloskey fails to realize, is that not every argument is going to capture every aspect of God. There are many different arguments that go abo ut doing that. If God does not exist, then all has no hope of immortality. Life, the world, and everything in it is meaningless. There would be no purpose or significance to anyone or anything. This leaves us with no ultimate meaning without immorality and God. Would we be able to say there was any purpose or meaning to someone who lived just to die? To be born just to pass out of existence? Lane says that it is not just each individual person that is headed towards the grave, but the universe itself is headed for extinction. This all in all is hopeless. Dying man, in a dying world. If this is the case, the small details in life do not matter, it does not make a difference. Our behaviors, our choices do not matter. Dotoyevsky said â€Å"If there is no immortality then all things are permitted† (11). Without God, there is no accountability, morality, or sense of right and wrong. Even more so, in a universe without God, good and evil do not exist (11). However, if we were to say there were no God, we would still be without purpose because we would just be accidental. We would just be accidents of chance. The only view that can save the human race from itself is a theistic view (11). The only thing going for an atheist is living with the fact of the absurdity of life. Such a view makes it impossible to live a fulfilling, happy life. For the atheist, absurdity of life and creating meaning for one’s life is a contradiction. A major disadvantage of atheism is that no one has hope or faith for reward of good or and punishment of evil. A believer’s hope is this, Christ. Ephesians 3:11 tells us that God had a purpose I mind before He created. Man within his own voluntary will would be able to love and choose God. Nature alone points to God. Humanity and the universe itself does not have to exist. Both are not self-existent but caused. There is no explanation for their existence. Within a Christian world view, life is not meaningless and pointless ending at the grave. We have hope in the resurrection and of eternal life. God and immortality are both necessary for a meaning full life (11). Bibliography 11- Craig, William Lane. The Absurdity of Life without God. In Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics, by William Lane Craig, 71-90. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2008. 1-Evans, C. Stephen, and R. Zachary Manis. Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2009. 8- Kunkle,Brett. â€Å"The Logical Problem of Evil.† Truth Never Gets Old. April 21, 2009 2- McCloskey, H. J. On Being an Atheist. Question (1968): 63-69. 5- Biologos. â€Å"What is the â€Å"fine-tuning† of the universe, and how does it serve as a â€Å"pointer to God?† 9- 10-

Monday, October 14, 2019

Challenges to TESCOs Expansion into Malaysia

Challenges to TESCOs Expansion into Malaysia Executive Summary For any company to enter into the international market for the first time, a proper research and analysis regarding the challenges and current marketing conditions prevailing in the targeted country must be undertaken. The project has been undertaken to analyse, understand and highlight the major challenges that TESCO can face while entering into Malaysia for the first time. The report focuses on the Political and Legal, Economical, Socio cultural Technological and environmental challenges that may create a difficulties for TESCO to start its business in Malaysia. Introduction to TESCO Tesco PLC is a UK based supermarket chain. It is the largest British retailer, both by global sales and domestic market share, and the fourth largest retailer in the world behind Wal-Mart of the USA, Carrefour of France, and The Home Depot of the USA. Tesco has a long term strategy for growth, based on four key parts: growth in the Core UK business, expand by growing internationally, be as strong in non-food as in food and to follow customers into new retailing services. Environmental Analysis of Malaysia Political Legal Environment Rising Political instability Data In recent months, The political ruling party Barisan Nasional is facing the problem of fall in its strength in ruling the country. The opposition Party Pakatan Rakyat power influence on the Malaysians is increasing which has resulted into possibilities of undertaking of elections in the coming months. Analysis It is predicted that the opposition party may emerge as victorious which lead to increased political uncertainty lower economic growth for 1-2 years. Sales may slow down in the initial years which may be due to increased political uncertainty and disturbance on spending of public during the handover process. The handover process is generally a time consuming lengthy process. it may result into impaired business for the company. lower economic growth in the beginning years may affect the purchasing power of consumers. The company may have to reduce its cost to overcome lower sales in initial years. TESCO may have to reduce its cost on marketing and advertising . The consumers may prefer price and value over quality brand. Political war between the two parties may also result in the outcome of riots which may also result into physical damage of Tescos Property and buildings. Challenge Slow economic growth at the time of change in government which may lead to slow business in the beginning of setting its business in Malaysia. The consumers may prefer price over quality. TESCO may need to have strong control over its expenses. Riots may cause physical damage to TESCOs property if the Political war emerges. Restrictions on Press Advertising Data The Malaysian Government has a very tight control on media like TV, radio, newspapers, outdoor advertising etc for broadcasting of commercials and advertisements. The advertising code code of ethics are to be followed by all the companies business in Malaysia. Analysis The government has kept ban on advertisement of products like alcohol, pork, products with unacceptable images etc. Also, advertisement related to exposure of body parts anti social content like foul language, uncompetitive practices, religious comparisons etc are strictly prohibited. The advertisement must be shot in Malaysia with Malaysian models in the advertisements. No international models from other countries are allowed. Also, the musicals of the ad must be done in Malaysia. Advertisements related to food drink products must highlight the importance necessity of balanced diet to the viewers. Powerful emphasis on the speciality lifestyle of the country of origin of an imported product is not allowed in the advertisements. Challenges TESCO will have to change its marketing and advertising strategy in Malaysia. The government control on advertising media may disallow advertisement commercials of many products of TESCO UK. The company may also have to undergo the process of repackaging re labeling on their products. TESCO will have to create new ideas to advertise its product which could be expensive and time consuming. Focus on many cultural groups Data Malay, Chinese Indian community are the 3 major cultural groups in Malaysia. Chinese Indian community are the minority communities in the country. The recent attacks against the Christian church has created political instability social unrest among the people. Analysis The wealth gap between less richer Malays very rich Chinese and Indian ethinic group in Malaysia has always been a point of concern in Malaysian politics. There has been many issues regarding this issue in the past which created a tension in the Malaysian political environment. But currently, the government is taking efficient measures to reduce the tension between the cultural groups. Christianity is also a minority religion in Malaysia on which government has to keep its attention. However, in the beginning of 2010, there were a series of attacks against Christian church because of some high court decisions. All these factors may lead to political instability in the near future. Political instability may result into the change in government. Christianity is the major religion in UK. Malaysians may tend to emotionally link the products of TESCO with Christianity as TESCO is a UK based company. This may initially led to the unacceptance of the products by Malaysians due current social unrest which may affect the sales and brand image of TESCO in Malaysian market. This may also affect the marketing and advertising strategy of TESCO. The company may have to frequently and carefully advertise its product to the consumers to change their perception about the link between Christianity and the Companys product offering. This may result into heavy expenditures resulting into the rise in cost of the company. Challenges Recent attack on churches may create the perception of link between UK TESCO products and Christianity religion which may affect the sales of TESCO. TESCO will need to advertise more frequently to change the consumers perception about the Christian religion and the local products it sells to Malaysians. Impact of terrorism Data Analysis Rising tension between Malay, Chinese Indian cultural groups in Malaysia in last few years have created a threat of internal terrorism in Malaysia. The war between the ethnic Chinese terrorists Malaysian government came to end after 42 years. However, in the beginning of 2010, there were a series of attacks against Christian church because the court said that the Christians can refer GOD as ALLAH. Challenge Sales may become difficult due to religious unrest. TESCO many have to opt for an option of Public relations on a regular basis which may increase the expenses of the company. Economical Environment Low Purchasing Power Data The GDP per capita income of Malaysia and UK for 2008 was $14,215 $35,468 respectively. Malaysia can be classified as the country of people having upper middle income level whereas UK population can be classified under high income level. Analysis The purchasing power of UK is more the purchasing power of Malaysia. It clearly reflects that the disposable income of Malaysia is comparative low to that of Uk. The per capita income disposable income of Britishers is very high thereby increasing their purchasing power. Due to high purchasing power, normally people in UK prefer brands and are brand loyal are willing to spend extra on the products. The per capita income of Malaysians is comparatively very low to that compared with Britishers. Lesser income signifies that the disposable income will be lower thereby reducing purchasing power. This will directly result in the emergence of price sensitive market condition in Malaysia where brand loyalty could be given less priority by Malaysians. Lower per capita income of Malaysians will result into low purchasing power making Malaysia a price sensitive market where buyers may be ready to buy any product with less or no brand importance. So the company sales might get affected due to this. TESCO may have to change its products, lower the quality lower the price so that the products can be produced cost effectively consumers can afford to buy. TESCO may have to start its own manufacturing unit along with its own new supply chain management and search for local suppliers in Malaysia who can provide products of good quality at a lower price. This may help in producing products at lower cost which the Malaysians can intend to buy. TESCO will have to search the place to set up their business to get proximity to the market which may help in lowering the distribution cost of its product. Challenges Lower consumer income will affect sales of the company. Uk products have high quality with high price. The company may have to rechange its quality of the products as per the price. TESCO will have to start its new supply chain management distribution system to make the local products for cost efficiency. TESCO will need to find their place of setting business where Distribution cost is very low. The company will have to look for local supply chain who can meet all above requirements. Foreign Currency Fluctuation Risk Data The foreign exchange of 1GBP to 1Malaysian Ringett in recent months has fallen from 5.8RM to 4.7RM. The interest rate of Malaysia UK in the beginning of the year 2010 were 2.25% 0.5% respectively. Analysis The key factor for fluctuations in currency exchange rates is the interest rate in different countries. Malaysia offers significantly higher interest rates than UK. Then investors will want to put money into Malaysia, thus increasing demand for the currency. The increase in currency demand may result into lowering value of Pound thus creating Foreign currency fluctuation risk.Exchange Rates are very important for any country as they determine the level of imports and exports. Challenge Importing products may become a costly option due to fluctuation in currency risk. The company may have to look for local suppliers and also may have to start new supply chain management to reduce the cost. Unemployment Level Data The recent Global financial crisis is still having a major impact on employment level in all the countries of the world. The unemployment rate in UK has reached to 8% in march 2010. The unemployment rate has increased from 3.2% in 2007 and has reached to 3.7% in march 2010. Analysis Increase in unemployment of Skilled, Semiskilled Labourers has been a major concern for Malaysian government in last few years. The Malaysian Government may put some employment restrictions on all the Multinational companies in Malaysia to hire the local Malaysians for employment. The restrictions may include more hiring of Malaysians in comparison to foreign employees irrelevant of their level of skills. Even though the higher unemployment in their home country, TESCO may undergo the pressure of hiring more Malaysians in comparison of foreign employees and provide training to them to meet the required skills for employment which may increase the overall expenses of the company. Also, employing foreign workers in Malaysia will be an expensive cost incurring idea thus increasing the operational cost of the firm affecting the product pricing. Challenge Employing foreign talent may not be possible to run the business. Providing training for Local staff would be expensive and time consuming process. Creating new supply chain management Data Low purchasing power of Malaysians, high foreign currency fluctuation and price sensitive market in the country are becoming major factors for the companies to reduce their prices of the product. Analysis Low Purchasing power of Malaysians in comparison with those of UK will create a price sensitiveness in the country where people may prefer Price over quality. Foreign currency fluctuation between Malaysian Ringett and UK Pound has been unstable in recent times. In importing goods, TESCO may end up in paying more than their usual price thus increasing the overall cost of the product. TESCO will have to reduce the price to meet the market price with its competitors product. The company will have to look for new supply chain management along with new suppliers who can provide the required quality at lesser price to meet the comsumers expectation. Setting up the new supply chain along with new local suppliers will be a big challenge as TESCO is an International Company. Challenges Importing goods from UK will be expensive for TESCO. Tesco may have to compromise on the quality of the product in case of price sensitive market. TESCO will have to set up new supply chain management along with new local suppliers to meet both the price and quality requirement of the consumers. Socio Cultural Environment Labeling Packaging Requirements Data Analysis The Malaysian government is very strict about the labeling language used on the products sold in the country. The language on all the products saleable, whether local or imported, must be written in Bahasa Malaysia or English. And in case of imported goods, the language used in either case may also include translation in any other languages. Since the Government rules regulations is very strict in Malaysia, TESCO would have to Change its labeling repack the products with descriptions in both English bahasa Malaysia Language. Also, the company will have to give more information on the product about its HALAL Certification, ingredients, Date marking, Nutrition Labeling etc. The company will have to change its packaging strategy for its products due to hot humid climatic conditions prevailing in Malaysia This will increase the cost of packaging labeling of all the products to be sold. So to gain economies of scale, TESCO may have to increase its sales volume to cover up the cost of change in labeling packaging. Challenge Relabeling and repackaging the products due to language barrier will be costly and time consuming. TESCO may have to keep on advertising its product on a regular basis to overcome the language barrier. Halal certification Data Analysis The concept of Halal on food non food category of product consumption is a vital issue in any muslim country. Islam is the official religion followed in Malaysia. The religion of Islam demands that the product to be consumed must be HALAL. In Malaysia, The Muslim consumers look for the HALAL certification on the products which is issue by Malaysias Department Of Islamic Development (JAKIM). In recent years, the Muslim consumers in Malaysia are faced with broad selection of products services which are either locally named or are international products certified as HALAL. The Competition is intense in the Malaysian market where local retailers have an upper hand for the sale of products by projecting their products as Islamic brands with the help of creative packaging labeling on their products. TESCO will have to certify HALAL certification on all it products will have to show the logo on each HALAL certified product. This will result into rising of its operating cost. Also, The HALAL certificate is valid for only 1year. So, the company may have to incur these cost every year. Challenge Certification of Halal on all products is costly and time consuming. The validity of certification is very less which results into occurrence of repetitive expenses every year. Advertising, packaging and labeling strategy would change which may increase the cost of the firm. Intense competition from local retailers will be a challenge. Technological Environmental Factors Accessibility Updation of Information Data and Analysis The percentage of urban population to total population in the year 2008 was 70.4%. Most of the hypermarkets are located in the urban areas. Rural consumers may have little access to either buy the product online or going to the nearest hypermarket in their area. So, setting the business in urban market will be a challenge to TESCO to meet capture the market share the requirements of both rural urban population. In recent years, in Malaysia, Online purchasing has become an easy, time, cost energy saving way to buy the products. This method is more followed by the urban consumers to book an order. So, TESCO will have to keep a regular update on timely basis about the availability of its products on its online purchasing website for its consumers. Challenge Target market may get narrow down due to low internet access in rural areas. Starting a business in rural area may increase the transportation cost to the urban consumers. Regular update on timely basis about the availability of its products on its online purchasing website for its consumers will be a challenge. Impact of global warming, deforestation environmental factors Data Analysis Water air pollution, impact of global warming has affected the health of the people in Malaysia. Deforestation due to regional development is also another factor affecting the country. The Malaysian government is now becoming very strict for control over these environmental problems. Any business, whether local or multinational business, has to comply with all the set of rules and regulations related to the environmental issues laid by the Malaysian government. Government may also disallow the companies in setting up of warehouses in the certain selected parts of the country. TESCO, being an multinational brand, will have to follow the strict prescribed rules laid by the Malaysian Government and may have to submit regular reports to the government regularly regarding the working of the company. Challenge Setting up of warehouses near TESCOs hypermart can be a big challenge. Transportation cost may get increased due to problem in selecting area for warehouses. Restriction on certain products can affect the business of TESCO.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quantitative Research Essay -- Scientific Research Science Essays

Quantitative Research Quantitative research is based on statements such as "anything that exists exists in a certain quantity and can be measured." "While Thorndike’s statement from 1904 appears to be fairly innocent and direct, it staked an important philosophical position that has persisted in social science research throughout most to this century." (Custer, 1996, p. 3). In 1927, William F. Ogburn successfully lobbied to have Lord Kelvin’s motto: "When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory" prominently and permanently carved onto the face of the University of Chicago’s social science research building." In this decade, however, the competing paradigms of quantitative and qualitative research have become almost working partners in educational research. Many researchers today advocate a "paradigm of choices that seeks methodological appropriateness as the primary criterion for judging methodological quality. This will allow for situational responsiveness tha t strict adherence to one paradigm or another will not" (Patton, 1990, p. 30). The ideals of quantitative research call for procedures that are public, that use precise definitions, that use objectivity-seeking methods for data collection and analysis, that are replicable so that findings can be confirmed or disconfirmed, and that are systematic and cumulative—all resulting in knowledge useful for explaining, predicting, and controlling the effects of teaching on student outcomes (Gage, 1994, p. 372). This is the basic definition of quantitative research that will be discussed in this paper. For purposes of comparison, qualitative analysis will be frequently mentioned along with quantitative analysis. The Two Paradigms "A quantitativ... ...litative Research Methodologies." Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 34(2): 3-6. Gage, N. L. (1994). "The Scientific Status of Research on Teaching." Educational Researcher 44(4): 371-383. Hathaway, R. S. (1995). "Assumptions Underlying Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Implications for Institutional Research." Research in Higher Education 36(5): 535-562. Hoepfl, M. C. (1997). "Choosing Qualitative Research: A Primer for Technology Education Researchers." Journal of Technology 9(1): 12-39. Howe, K. R. (1985). "Two Dogmas of Educational Research." Educational Researcher 14(8): 10-18. Liebscher, P. (1998). "Quantity with Quality? Teaching Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in an LIS Master's Program." Library Trends 46(4): 668-680. Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publications, Inc.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The patriot act Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Patriot Act   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Patriot Act is a bill that was passed in the wake of 9/11/01. Not even two months after the horrific event which we all know as 911, the bill was passed with great haste and secrecy. The bill was passed on October 26, 2001. The bill was passed to raise the security of the country. Sadly many speculate that most of the members in congress did not even read the 342 page bill. Within a matter of days the executive branch with its new powers began to initiate many new executive orders, policies, regulations and practices that many feel threaten our rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The bill has expanded terrorism laws to include domestic terrorism which subjects political organizations to be surveillance, wiretapping, harassment, and criminal charges for political advocacy. Many feel that this is an attack on the first amendment, which is freedom of religion, speech, assembly and freedom of the press. The bill has also expanded the powers of law enforcement agencies(police, FBI, CIA, NSA). Law enforcement agents now have the ability to conduct secret searches, place telephone and internet surveillance, and can access personal medical, financial, and student records with minimal judicial oversight. Many feel that this is an attack on the fourth am...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Harry Potter Essay

Harry Potter is a series of seven novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books is the chronicle adventures of awizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School. The main story concerns Harry’s quest to overcome the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aims are to become immortal, conquer the wizarding world and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter. Since the release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on 30 June 1997 and the last on July 2007, the books have gained immense popularity, commercial success worldwide As of June 2011, the book series has sold about 450 million copies, making it the best-selling book series in history, and has been translated into 67 languages. The last four books consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history. Question 1: To what extent was the Harry Potter series simply a loss leader for the hypermarkets? Harry Potter simply a loss leader for the hypermarkets because it’s just a marketing strategy which was used to gain enormous market share of the Harry Potter books with the acceptance of millions dollars loss. Question 2: Should such price cutting be outlawed or regulated to protect smaller retailers? Price cutting should be regulated to not only protect smaller retailer but also prevent market from many consequences such as leading to loss profit and price war, cheapen a brand, etc when price cutting is not controlled. Question 3: Bookstores in Kuala Lumpur withdrew the book in protest. Was their reaction justified? The action of bookstore in Kuala Lumpur withdrawing seventh Harry Potter in protest is justified because it protects their own benefit from being loss and claiming their objection attitude toward the loss leader strategy of other giant retailer.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How much Macbeth’s character changes during the course of the play Essay

By reference to three key scenes, shoe how much Macbeth’s character changes during the course of the play: Act I scene VII, Act III scene IV, Act V scene III The first we hear of Macbeth is when a bloodied soldier looking valiant after battle with great gaping wounds, describes a Great War hero: â€Å"For brave Macbeth well he deserves that name†. Shakespeare uses this speech to show Macbeth’s loyalty by saying he fought off a whole army and all for king and country. He also said their enemy ran away, then launched another attack and that Macbeth and Banquo fought it off even with their severe wounds: â€Å"They meant to bath in reeking wounds† And they still repelled the second attack, as though with renewed strength: â€Å"So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe†. We can see from this that Macbeth is a noble, loyal and trusted man, let alone a war hero. After Macbeth meets the witches, his personality begins to change. He becomes consumed with ambitions. In my understanding it was always there, like a petrol station with petrol running everywhere and leaky gas mains (always a fire hazard), the witches just threw in a Zippo. They had given him two predictions: 1) They greeted him as thane of Cawdor â€Å"Hail thane of Cawdor† (which he wasn’t) 2) Then as king â€Å"hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hear after†. After meeting the witches, the King’s messenger came to him and named him thane of Cawdor. He is very surprised at this and writes a letter home to his wife telling her about the things the witches had said, how out of the blue he had become thane of Cawdor and even mentioned about becoming king. This is where Shakespeare introduses Macbeth’s more sinister side: â€Å"Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock upon my ribs† As we can see Macbeth is starting to think of murder. We get another insight into his character from Lady Macbeth. She says that she thinks that he will be too kind to actually commit murder, and that she will have to do most of it then persuade him: â€Å"Yet I do fear thy nature it is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness† We can see from this quote that Macbeth has a conscience and that his wife believes that he would grieve afterwards. When Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle, a banquet is held. We can se in Macbeth’s opening soliloquy (a dramatic technique show the audience what he is thinking) that he doesn’t want to carry on with the murder as he says â€Å"Could trammel up consequences† By Shakespeare’s use of the word â€Å"trammel† we can se he is thinking of death and if he could just be done with it and that was it, it would be fine but he knows there will be consequences for killing the king: â€Å"Hear upon this bank and shoal of time, We’d jump thr life to come† This shows that the Elizabethans believed in the after life. He also refers to the Elizabethan belief of the king being chosen by god: â€Å"His virtues will plead like angels trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off† Later on in the scene we see that Macbeth doesn’t want to go through with the murder and want’s to call it off: â€Å"We will proceed no further in this business† And he gives three reasons he is his host â€Å"as his host† He is his kin â€Å"I am his kinsman and his subject† Duncan has been extremely kind to him † Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek† So to make Macbeth commit the murder Lady Macbeth taunts him and calls him a coward: â€Å"When you durst do it then you were a man† And at this Macbeth wants to do it to prove he is not a coward and we can see this from his next line: â€Å"If we should fail† showing he is thinking about the murder. Although Macbeth can wash Duncan’s blood from his hands he cannot wash it from his conscience: â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood clear from my hand? No† Macbeth is duly crowned king Banquo reveals his suspicions about Macbeth in a soliloquy: â€Å"Thou hast it now king, Cawdor, Glamis, all the wired women promised and I fear thou play’dst most foully for’t† Macbeth holds a banquet and invites every one. After this Macbeth hires an assassin to kill Banquo and Fleance his son. Macbeth seems to be losing his moral standing the further he gets into the play. Banquo sacrifices his life to save his son and Fleance gets away. The assassin shows up at the banquet and stands at the door to give Macbeth the news â€Å"there is blood upon thy face† The murderer then seeks praise for the murder of Banquo: Macbeth then asks about Fleance and is agitated to hear that he is still alive: â€Å"The worm that’s fled hath nature in time will venom breed, no teeth for the time present† Shakespeare uses a metaphor to show how Macbeth is afraid of Banquo and Fleance Macbeth then goes to sit down at the table but he thinks his place is taken and when the figure stands up it is the ghost of Banquo. No one else can see the ghost. It is only by Macbeth’s speeches that we can tell he can see a ghost. Macbeth is very scared and starts shouting but Lady Macbeth calms everything down. In a stage whisper, She calls him a coward and says that it is just like the dagger he saw pointing to Duncan’s room the ghost vanishes and he calms down and they send every one home saying he will be fine in the morning. Shakespeare usage of a ghost reflects king James’ fascination with the supernatural and the Elizabethans general belief in spirits and ghosts. He also uses stage whispers sililoquy and the idea of no one seeing the ghost except Macbeth, which could just be him hallucinating. So we are not entirely sure whether there really is a ghost there or the pressure of all the killing has got to him and he has flipped and had hallucinations. After this he is still paranoid and so to stop this he goes to see the witches again and this time the show him three visions. 1) Beware Macduff 2) None of woman bore shall harm Macbeth 3) Macbeth shall never vanquished be Until great Birnam wood comes to Dunsunane hill He is woken up by Lenox and decides to kill Macduff to be safe but he has fled to England to help Malcolm at this Macbeth is so angry he orders the assassins to kill his wife and kids and this shows a complete depletion of his morals. He as ordered assassins to go kill innocent children and women without a second thought. There has been a character reversal and now Macbeth has no morals and lady Macbeth as been driven mad with guilt. At the start, Macbeth would not kill Duncan and Lady Macbeth drove him to it. In the next scene Macbeth is getting hundreds of reports of the English force amassing on the horizon, but of-coarse he had the predications from the witches and feels confident. He doesn’t worry about them â€Å"Bring me no more reports, let them fly all. Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane† This shows an air of self-confidence and pride. He even accuses Thanes that ran away of being false which was very ironic as he killed the king â€Å"then fly false thanes†. From his opening speech we can see he thinks he is invincible: † The mind I sway by and the heart I bear shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear†. When his servant comes he is white and pale so Macbeth calls him lily liveried, because the Elizabethans believed that courage came from the liver. When the doctor said that there was no cure for lady Macbeth that she had to cure herself Macbeth insulted him, which is a valid point, as King James 1st didn’t believe in doctors. Macduff and Malcolm’s army burst into the castle and the first wave come to find Macbeth and die until Macduff finds him and they fight. Macduff tells Macbeth he was born by caesarean section and so was not born of woman and he kills Macbeth. In conclusion I would say that Macbeth’s character changes drastically throughout the play. At the start he is a good and noble soldier who would never betray the king but gets persuaded easily by his wife. Then as the story progresses we see him start to lose morals as he orders the killing of Banquo on his own but is still upset about it, we can see that because of his hallucinations (seeing the ghost). Then he orders the killing of lady Macduff and her children showing he has gone of the scale and is totally evil. Whilst fighting Macduff he is arrogant and spares his life at one point in the fight. So when Macbeth is told that Macduff is not born of women he is shocked and dies a wicked fool. So we see the down fall of such a brave character we saw at the start because of a few predictions and the ambition. For if he saw what being king would do to him I doubt he would have wanted to be king and would have been contented but was tricked by the evil of the witches.